Master List
- Shows basic towny commands.
? - Shows more towny commands.
map - Shows the towny map.
prices - Shows taxes/costs associated with running a town.
time - Shows time until next new-day (tax/upkeep collection.)
residents {all/town/nation} - Shows top residents.
land {all/resident/town} - Shows top land owners.
spy - Admin command to spy on all chat channels
tree - Shows lots of stuff.
universe - Shows full towny stats, resident/town/nation/world counts as well as townblocks claimed.
v - Shows towny version.
- Shows the /plot commands.
claim - Resident command to personally claims a plot that are for sale.
auto - Resident command to personally claim an area of plots that are for sale, around the player typing the command.
unclaim - Resident command to unclaim personally owned plots.
circle/rect - Resident command to unclaim personally owned plots in a circle or rectangle shape.
{# (radius around current position)} - Radius of the area to unclaim.
{forsale/fs} - Set a plot for sale.
circle/rect - Set a shape.
{# (radius around current position)} - Radius of the area to set forsale.
$$ - Cost of plot.
circle/rect - Set a shape.
{# (radius around current position)} - Radius of the area to set forsale.
{notforsale/nfs} - Set a plot to not be for sale.
circle/rect - Set a shape.
{# (radius around current position)} - Radius of the area to set notforsale.
perm - Shows the perm line of the plot in which the player stands.
reset - Sets a shop/embassy/arena/wilds plot back to a normal plot.
shop - Sets a plot to a shop plot.
embassy - Sets a plot to an embassy plot.
arena - Sets a plot to an arena plot.
wilds - Sets a plot to a wilds plot.
name - allows a mayor or plot-owner to rename plots they own, overwriting the ~Unowned message. Personal-plots display both the plot's given name and the name of the plot-owner.
{on/off} - Edits the perm line of the single plot in which the player is standing.
{resident/ally/outsider} {on/off}
{build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}
{resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}
reset - Resets the plot in which you stand to the default perm line of the /town or /resident screen (depending on if the plot is owned personally or by the town.)
fire - Turn on/off firespread in the plot in which you stand.
pvp - Turn on/off pvp in the plot in which you stand.
explosion - Turn on/off explosions in the plot in which you stand.
mob - Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in the plot in which you stand.
clear - Command to remove list of block id's from a plot, used by a mayor on town-owned land, or by a plot-owner on their personal plots.
- Shows a player their resident screen.
? - Shows /res commands available.
{resident} - Shows a player another player's resident screen.
add {resident} .. {resident} - Resident adds online player to their friends list.
add+ {resident} .. {resident} - Resident adds offline player to their friends list.
remove {resident} .. {resident} - Resident removes online player from their friends list.
remove+ {resident} .. {resident} - Resident removes offline player from their friends list.
clearlist - Removes all friends from a resident's friend list.
list - Lists residents in towny's data folder.
spawn - If deny_bed_use: true in the config.yml and player has a current bed spawn, command will teleport player to their bed.
map - Turns on map which refreshes when moving across plot borders.
townclaim - Turns on mode where /town claim is automatically used when moving across plot borders.
plotborder - Turns on smokey plot-border view. Border shows when players cross to different townblocks.
spy - Admins can turn on chat-channel spying.
reset - This turns off all modes that are active.
{on/off} - Edits the perm line on the resident screen.
{friend/ally/outsider} {on/off}
{build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}
{friend/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}
reset - This takes the perm line seen in the /resident screen and applies it to all plots personally owned by the player typing it.
tax - Shows taxes a player pays.
- Shows a player their town's town screen.
? - Shows /town commands available.
{town} - Shows a player another town's town screen.
here - Shows you the town screen of the town in which you stand.
leave - Leaves a town.
list - Lists towns.
online - Shows players in your town which are online.
{townname} - Creates new town.
{townname} {mayor} - Admin command to create town.
add {resident} .. {resident} - Mayor command to add residents to your town.
kick {resident} .. {resident} - Mayor command to remove residents from your town.
spawn - Teleports you to your town's spawn.
spawn {town} - Teleports you to another town's spawn.
claim - Mayor command to claim the townblock in which you stand for your town.
outpost - Claims an outpost for your town.
{# (radius around current position)} - Claims an area of townblocks around you for your town.
auto - Claims as many townblocks around you as is possible given money in townbank and available townblocks.
unclaim - Mayor command to unclaim the townblock in which you stand.
all - Mayor command to unclaim all townblocks.
{# (radius around current position)} - Command to unclaim an area of townblocks around you.
withdraw {$} - Removes money from town bank.
deposit {$} - Adds money from player to the town bank.
bonus {amount} - Buys available bonus townblocks.
delete {town name} - Admin/Mayor command to delete a town from towny's data folder's files.
{# (where # equals the corresponding outpost's number)} - Teleports to an outpost.
ranklist - Displays residents and their ranks.
rank {add|remove} {playername} {rankname} - Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the town.
reslist - Displays a full list of residents in the town.
board {message} - Sets message seen by residents upon logging in.
mayor {resident} - Mayor command to give mayor status to another resident.
homeblock - Sets the homeblock and spawn of your town.
spawn - Sets the town spawn, must be done inside the homeblock.
name {name} - Change your town's name.
outpost - Sets a townblock as an outpost.
{on/off} - Edits the perm line on the town screen.
{resident/ally/outsider} {on/off}
{build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}
{resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}
reset - This takes the perm line seen in the /town screen and applies it to all plots owned by the town.
tag {upto4character} - Sets the town's tag, which is sometimes used on that chat line.
clear - Clears the tag set for the town.
taxes {$} - Sets taxes collected from each resident daily. Also sets percentage if taxpercent is toggled on.
plottax {$} - Set taxes collected from each resident daily, per plot that they own.
plotprice {$} - Sets default cost of plot for the town.
shopprice {$} - Sets default cost of a shopplot for the town.
shoptax {$} - Set taxes collected from each resident daily, per shopplot that they own.
embassyprice {$} - Sets default cost of a embassy plot for the town.
embassytax {$} - Set taxes collected from each resident daily, per embassy plot that they own.
explosion - Turn on/off explosions in town.
fire - Turn on/off firespread in town.
mobs - Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in town.
public - Turn on/off public /town spawning and the co-ordinates of the town's homeblock in the /town screen.
pvp - Turn on/off pvp in town.
taxpercent - Turn on/off taxing by percent/flatrate.
open - Turn on/off public joining to your town.
join {townname} - Command to join a town that doesn't require invites.
- Shows a player their nation's nation screen.
? - Shows /nation commands.
list - Lists nations.
online - Shows players in your nation which are online.
{nation} - Shows a player the /nation screen of another nation.
leave - Mayor command to leave the nation they are a part of.
withdraw {$} - King command to remove money from the nation bank.
deposit {$} - King command to add money to the nation bank.
{nationname} - Mayor command to create a nation.
{nationname} {capitaltown} - Admin command to create a new nation, set capitol.
rank - Command to set assistant/custom ranks in the nation.
add {town} .. {town} - Invites/Adds a town to your nation.
kick {town} .. {town} - Removes a town from your nation.
delete {nation} - Deletes your nation.
add {nation} .. {nation} - Add a nation to your nation's ally list.
remove {nation} .. {nation} - Removes a nation from your nation's ally list.
add {nation} .. {nation} - Add a nation to your nation's enemy list.
remove {nation} .. {nation} - Removes a nation from your nation's enemy list.
rank {add|remove} {playername} {rankname} - Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the nation.
king {resident} - King command to change the king of the nation.
captial {town} - Sets the capitol and king of the nation.
taxes {$} - Sets nationtax applied to the towns within the nation.
name {name} - Sets the nation's name.
title {name} {titlegoeshere} - King command to add a Title to a member of the nation.
surname {name} {surnamegoeshere} - King command to add a Suffix to a member of the nation.
tag {upto4character} - Sets the nation's tag, which is sometimes used on that chat line.
clear - Clears the tag set for the nation.
neutral - Sets whether your nation will pay daily to be neutral during towny war.
- Shows Memory, Threads, War status, Health regen setting, Time, Whether daily-timer/taxes are on.
? - Shows /ta commands.
delete {playername} - Deletes a player's towny data.
town {town}
add {resident} .. {resident} - Admin command to invite/add a resident to a town.
remove {resident} .. {resident} - Admin command to remove a resident from a town.
kick {resident} - Admin command to remove a resident from a town.
rename {newname} - Admin command to rename a town.
pawn - Admin command to spawn at at town spawn.
utpost # - Admin command to spawn at any towns outposts.
delete - Admin command to delete a town.
{nationname} add {town} - Admin command to invite/add a town to a nation.
{nationname} rename {newname} - Admin command to rename a nation.
{nationname} delete - Admin command to delete a town.
reset - resets the towny config.yml to its current default.
war - Turn on/off towny war.
neutral - Turn on/off a nation's ability to declare neutrality.
npc {residentname} - Toggles a player's resident file to isNPC=true, this exempts the player from taxes/upkeep.
debug - Turns on/off debug mode.
devmode - Turns on/off special devmode for when towny's devs join your server to find a bug.
withdraw - Turns on/off town/nation's ability to withdraw money from their town/nation banks.
capital {townname} - A command for admins to be able to change a nations capital. Town to be set must already be a member of the nation.
{town} {resident} - Admin command to set a resident as mayor of a town.
{town} npc - Admin command to set a town to have an npc mayor.
givebonus {town} {#} - Gives extra townblocks to a town.
reload - Reloads towny's config.yml.
backup - Creates a backup.
newday - Causes a new day to happen, this does not stop the next new day from happening when it was already scheduled.
rect {radius} - Admin command to unclaim an area.
purge {# as in days} - Deletes old residents.
- Shows world settings for the world in which you stand.
? - Shows /tw commands.
list - Lists worlds.
{world} - Show settings for world.
claimable - Turn on/off whether mayors can claim townblocks in the world.
usingtowny - Turn on/off whether towny is used in the world.
pvp - Turn on/off pvp in the world.
forcepvp - Turn on/off whether pvp is forced on in all towns in the world.
explosion - Turn on/off whether explosions are on in the wilderness/towns in the world.
forceexplosion - Force explosions on in that world.
fire - Turn on/off whether firespread is on in the wilderness/towns in the world.
townmobs - Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in towns in the world.
worldmobs - Turn on/off the mobs listed in the world mobs in the world.
revertunclaim - Turn on/off the revert on unclaim feature for that world.
revertexpl - Turn on/off the reverting explosions in the wilderness feature for that world.
wildname {name} - Sets name of the wilderness.
wildperm {perm} .. {perm} - Deprecated.
wildignore {id} .. {id} - Deprecated.
wildregen {Creeper,EnderCrystal,EnderDragon,Fireball,SmallFireball,LargeFireball,TNTPrimed,ExplosiveMinecart} - Sets what explosions are reverted in the wilderness.
usedefault - Deprecated.
regen - Regenerates the MC chunk in which back to the seed.
undo - Undoes /tw regen.
Chat Commands
/townychat reload - Reloads chatconfig.yml and channels.yml
/townchat, /tc
Put in from of text to speak with members of your town only, or without text afterwards to enter the channel.
/nationchat, /nc
Put in from of text to speak with members of your nation only, or without text afterwards to enter the channel.
/global, /g
Put in from of text to speak in globalchat, or without text afterwards to enter the channel.
/res set mode reset
Reset chat mode to default chat.
/a - admin chat.
/m - moderator chat.
/channel leave|join {channel} - Channel leaving and joining.
/leave {channel} - Leaves a channel.
/join {channel} - Joins a channel.
/chmute {channel} {player} - Mutes a player in a channel.
/mutelist {channel} - Displays mute list for a channel.
/chunmute {channel} {player} - Unmutes a player in a channel.